About Us

Centre for Research and Innovation (CRI)

The CRI Journals headquartered in Tamil Nadu, India, has a subsidiary office operating in the Netherlands and the USA. It was a leading medium-sized independent academic publisher of international scientific research. The Centre for Research and Innovation (CRI), The Bharath Social and Research Foundation is responsible for publishing the nine Gold Open Access journals of CRI Journals.


We are committed to facilitating the discovery of pioneering research that enhances and expands the body of knowledge available to the research community through both traditional and gold open-access publishing workflows. Working in close collaboration with expert researchers and professionals from leading institutions, CRI publishes quality double-blind peer-reviewed content across 350+ topics in 10 core subject areas. With over 5000 industry-leading researchers and experts worldwide contributing to CRI publications, we ensure that each title contains the most emerging and timely research.


Our subject coverage

Business, Commerce, and Management

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Computer Science and Information Technology

Electrical, Electronics, and Communication Engineering and Technology

Library and Information Science

Mechanical and Automation Engineering

Science and Technology

Social Sciences and Humanities

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide a viable and credible publishing experience for aspiring and prominent researchers who seek to expand the current body of scientific knowledge across diverse fields of study. CRI promotes forward-thinking discourse within the academic community by:

Our Mission

CRI is a proven, trusted, and reliable source for publishing and disseminating cutting-edge resources that fuel innovations and inspire positive societal changes. CRI strives to enhance the current body of scientific knowledge through close collaborations with researchers and scholars worldwide. Through a commitment to sound ethical practices, an agile publishing process, and customer-centric values, CRI accelerates the pace of research discoveries.